Soil borings

The Soil borings ground drilling at the site to be explored at different depths through which soil samples can be obtained to identify the type and arrangement of the substrates. Drilling can be carried out either manually or by other mechanical equipment
The importance of performing the sessions
To determine the appropriate foundation level
To determine net establishment stress
To give the necessary recommendations for buildings according to the nature of the land therein and the precautions that must be taken into account during the implementation of the project
Determine the expected subsidence according to the loads and the nature of the soil
Determining the permeability factor of the soil (water permeability) and the most appropriate method for supporting the sides of drilling, pumping and drying of ground water
-Determine the types of materials used in foundations (cement – sand – iron etc.) according to the percentage of salts or sulfates and the extent of their effect on concrete.
-Determine the different properties of the soil at the site based on the results of field and laboratory experiments and determine its suitability for establishment or the possibilities of the emergence of problems with it and the suggestion of overcoming them
To determine the percentage of fine materials in the topsoil and the extent of their possibility of using them in backfilling if necessary
To determine the way to support the sides of the drilling, if needed, we may need piles or protection curtains

The international company specializes in conducting all kinds of investigations, field tests and supervision of works
