Tanks dislodges removals

Tanks dislodges removals

The company provides solutions for the cleaning of tanks and from oils
When the tank is opened for cleaning, the thickness of the sediment layer at its bottom is in the range of (30-50 cm) in most cases, and it may increase or decrease depending on the operating conditions of the tank and the quality of the crude oil, and it is removed by the manual method by entering people into the tank and using simple tools known and thrown outside the tank in a place Suitable after digging them outside the reservoirs area and landfilling properly or transporting to remote areas.
Water is used in large quantities with additional quantities of gas oil to complete the manual cleaning process
The water mixture and the remaining sediments are gradually disposed of by transferring them to the nearest refinery for the purpose of treating them and extracting the quantities of crude oil and gas oil in them after they are pumped to special basins where the isolated water is discharged and the oil floating on the surface is drawn to the crude oil tanks and the rest of the sediments that form Usually solid materials, and this entire process takes
up to (5-6 weeks) depending on the size of the tank
With time, some development has been introduced to the process by using some mechanical equipment and chemicals for the purpose of reducing the quantities of sediments by keeping the largest possible amount of crude oil in the tank and part of the sediments in a suspended state or mixed with the oil stock in the tank so that it can be withdrawn with crude oil. Abroad.
